What is the Difference Between Cleaning and Sanitizing

What is the Difference Between Cleaning and Sanitizing

Dust and dirt are deposited daily, which is why the place must be cleaned periodically to have the necessary comfort and to extend the life of the furniture or household appliances.

Cleaning the house consists of removing the sources of dirt by cleaning the spaces and objects of furniture or decoration, with detergents, soaps, and water. It is generally done once every few days, depending on the needs of each place.

Collect old garbage bags and replace them with new garbage bags. Vacuum floors and carpets to keep the place clean. Clean electronic devices such as documents, and computers with a small cloth.

What is Sanitizing

There are areas where bacteria and moulds are more likely to accumulate and, therefore, can pose a health risk to the people who live in that environment. The most prone rooms are the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the balconies. Places will need to be sanitized and cleaned with special solutions to ensure that bacteria and germs are eliminated.

Sanitizing sprays will make your surfaces safe again. Sanitization can also be done without chemicals, by a steam cleaner, which brings the contaminated surfaces into contact with extreme heat to kill bacteria and other germs.

Difference between Cleaning and Sanitation

Cleaning and sanitizing are two different things, which involve using special solutions, even if the work procedure is the same. It is good to clean first and then sanitize, the two operations being distinct and absolutely necessary if you want your place to be a truly healthy environment.

  • It is important to remember that the first step of cleaning will not kill bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
  • You must sanitize the items that are often touched such as door handles, switches, remote controls, and even the floor which collects a lot of bacteria and microbes and can harm our health.
  • Cleaning products are designed to remove visible stains from surfaces and walls but sanitizing products can remove germs from surfaces and walls.
  • The tools and methods used are much larger and more powerful, compared to tools used for regular cleaning.
  • Cleaning products will help you make your surfaces look beautiful and shiny. But there are some places such as the kitchen, toilets, and door handles where you want to continue cleaning with sanitiser.
  • Sanitization is not effective if the cleaning was not performed before. Sanitization cannot have an effect if there is too much dirt.

As a part of the cleaning, we need regular cleaning products, from a broom and dustpan, a mop and bucket for water, clothes and gloves, and window and floor scrapers. Also, removing dust from fabrics is extremely important and for this, it is recommended to use a professional vacuum cleaner. But for sanitizing, it is recommended to utilize professional sanitisers for surfaces.

Is Disinfection the Same as Sanitizing

Both sanitization and disinfection aim to reduce the amount of contamination present on a surface by killing germs.


Sanitation removes germs to a level considered acceptable by the competent authorities. It is recommended to be used in kitchens or dining areas. Disinfection, on the other hand, eliminates 99.9 per cent of viruses and bacteria.

They can be used in the bathroom and frequently touched areas such as handles, and switches.
The two stages are not effective if the cleaning was not performed before. Sanitization and disinfection cannot have an effect if there is too much dirt.

A quality disinfectant spray should remove 100% of microscopic organisms from surfaces. It will effectively stop the spread of diseases and viruses such as cold and flu.


Disinfecting kills more germs than sanitizing. In the current context related to the coronavirus pandemic, it is more obvious than ever that hygiene is very important. And, we are not only referring to personal hygiene, but also to the cleanliness of the house.

One thing to know before you disinfect the house is that the overuse of disinfectants is a growing public health concern. You should only use them when absolutely necessary for that specific task.

Methods for Cleaning

There will be different cleaning methods.

  • Clean dirt and easy stains on the floor, walls, and furniture with a soft cloth.
  • Use a dedicated vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt from the floor and carpet.
  • Ventilate the space as much as possible before and during cleaning.
  • Use a scrubber to thoroughly remove all stains on the surface and walls.
  • You put on protective equipment, such as disposable gloves and masks.
  • Take out the trash. Be sure to put clean bags in all trash cans so it’s easier to dispose of tissues and other waste.
  • Cleaning products are designed to remove visible stains and debris from surfaces.
  • For your safety and to protect the devices, remember to unplug the appliances before cleaning.
  • Using a soapy cloth to wipe down a kitchen counter or stove.
  • Sweep all hard floors and vacuum carpets. Clean hard surfaces with soap and water. hard surfaces include countertops, tables, sinks, cabinets, and floors.
  • Clean soft surfaces according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Soft surfaces include carpets, bedding, and curtains.
  • To prevent the spread of germs, do not touch your face while cleaning.
  • The organization of the space is equally important because it supports all the procedures done in the cleaning process.

To learn more about cleaning, contact OZAP cleaning company.

Methods for Sanitizing

Sanitizing of the surfaces can be initiated after the cleaning has been done and new clothes soaked in sanitizing solutions are used.

Areas for Sanitizing:

They can be applied to floors with a mop as well as switches, door handles, doors and bathrooms. There are areas where the probability of accumulating bacteria is higher and, therefore, they can be of great risk to people’s health. Examples of such areas are the kitchen, bathrooms, or offices, places that will need to be well-sanitized to ensure that bacteria and germs are eliminated. These places must be sanitized frequently to eliminate any traces of bacteria.

To be effective, sanitizing solutions must remain in contact with the surface for a special period of time. For example, you wipe the surface so that the treated surface remains visibly wet for four minutes.

  • Household bleach can be used as a sanitiser, depending on how much it is diluted. But because bleach concentrations can be inconsistent and home dilution is often inaccurate, if you need to be absolutely sure you’re disinfecting a surface, it’s best to follow the instructions for a commercial sanitizing product.
  • The use of specific products with antibacterial, antifungal, and germicidal properties that ensure the elimination of bacteria and viruses.
  • Sanitizing sanitary objects with special solutions and all surfaces that present a risk of transmission.
  • Washing bed linen, pillows, quilts, and kitchen towels at over 60 degrees Celsius.
  • Cleaning moulds with appropriate antifungal solutions.
  • To protect the food from contamination with germs, but also the body from dangerous bacteria, it is recommended to sanitize the refrigerator once a month and use a special sanitizing solution.

If you have the habit of entering the house with shoes on, keep in mind that no matter how often you sanitize the home. If you bring bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens from outside, they will spread around the house. Even if you usually take off your shoes before entering the house, make it a habit to wipe the soles of your shoes with products containing at least 70% alcohol.

In order to achieve the best quality results, it is very important to hire professional commercial cleaners. Steam cleaning is an effective process applied to interior and exterior surfaces for sanitization.

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